Kendo Drain Unblocker 4.6mx15mm


Swiftly clear drain blockages with the KENDO Drain Unblocker 4.6mx15mm. This powerful unblocking tool is designed to efficiently remove debris and restore optimal drainage.

EAN: 1400000204801

Experience rapid and effective drain unblocking with the KENDO Drain Unblocker 4.6mx15mm. Whether you’re a professional plumber or a DIY enthusiast, this tool is an essential addition to your plumbing arsenal for maintaining clear and functional drains.

The 4.6-meter length and 15mm diameter provide the reach and power needed to tackle various drain sizes. Crafted for durability, the drain unblocker effectively dislodges debris, grease, and other blockages, ensuring a smooth and unobstructed flow. Its user-friendly design makes it suitable for both residential and commercial use.


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